akeaway: according to incomplete statistics, so far, according to the classification of all 103 listed non-ferrous metals companies, 29 officially released annual report, including 4 losses, 25; 60 earnings forecast or letters, 42 beforehand, two-thirds. ...
A great event in the economic life in the future, is a global currency war. The so-called currency wars, in fact, is the world's major economies, as much as possible to promote their own currencies, to boost exports, more jobs and economic growth. The s ...
As the quantitative easing of America early November the dust settles, the overall starting to affect the metal market systemic risk, from the domestic central bank liquidity to curb inflation and weaken to the state council, the national development and ...
Recently, the ministry of commerce issued the second batch of tungsten products export quotas in 2012, issued the quota of tungsten products a total of 6160 tons (or metal, similarly hereinafter), down 1.91% year on year. Of which: secondary ammonium tungsta ...
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